Tutoring at Great Bay
Current Students! Go to MyGBCC’s Tutoring page for up-to-date tutoring schedules.
Great Bay Community College offers tutoring on the Portsmouth campus in a variety of formats through the Center for Academic Planning and Support (CAPS). These services are FREE of charge to students enrolled in a credit-bearing class. CAPS employs both peer and professional tutors dedicated to helping students succeed, become independent and interdependent learners, and reach their academic goals.
The Writing Specialist can assist writers with any writing assignment in any (or all) phase(s) of the writing process: brainstorming/prewriting, developing a thesis, drafting, revising, or editing. Writing in college is an on-going process, and we encourage writers to visit the Writing Center as often as they need.
The Math Specialist can assist with math through Calculus and help students prepare for upcoming exams and quizzes, practice concepts learned in class, and reinforce study skills. We encourage students to visit the Math Center as often as they need.